Thursday, September 30, 2010

One day I decided to ask a guy in a wheelchair to meet about disability. I then asked if he knew of anyone else. He brought someone else the next time we met. We stopped for a few weeks but I contacted him about what I was up to and if he'd still like to be involved. Not only is he still interested but he gave me 5 names of new people who are interested too! I am really looking forward to meeting next week and I may even have company when I do my display at the farmer's market on Saturday! The first program, when I met the guy, seemed like a waste but actually wasn't at all.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I met with Senator Tartagione who has a disability. She is very interested in making "Working on Wheels" work and will suggest a number of staffers. I will also have the support of the Harrisburg Commissioner. Also I'm hard at work on Terry's raffle, hopefully we can start selling the raffle tickets and continue getting prizes. Soon I'll be ready to advertize my ebook that will definiely take presidence.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, the e-book is looking good. I redid the resource list page but I didn't actually use any of them for the book. Basically the book is my personal experiences and what I've observed in life from the perspective of a person with a disability. I could have gotten money from people to include their sites but I didn't ask. I hope I won't get in trouble for listing their sites in mine, usually that's something people want, I'm just helping them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am now working to promote "Terry on Wheels" going across America for disability.
This is something I can really believe in, it was my idea in the first place. In order to get money I will send a flyer and a letter to local service businesses and restaurants to contribute items to raffle. It will be much more successful to do it that way than get big companies to donate. That would take a long time because it would have to be approved by many people and we wouldn't get a real answer. I'm trying to get a room at a nice hotel and Hershey Park tickets. I'll definitely be getting a free business counseling session and a free massage.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Rex" from One Life To Live was at Wolfe Furniture. I met him and gave him an envelope with the flyers and a hard copy of "The Tenacity of Hope." I asked him to give it to his costar who's real life son is deaf. Hopefully she'll be willing to promote Infobility as I asked her in my note. I always said the only way it would work is if a well known person was on board with it. Also the woman who makes wheelchair seat covers lives in Harrisburg and she's willing to give me her customer base of 1500 in exchange for a free ad in the ebook and her business card on the cover. This may work well, NO this will work well.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My friend is going to wheel across America for disability. He is going with someone else who is doing this for another cause. I will be working on getting him publicity for this ride. I would like him to stop at independent living centers as he goes but he may be too busy to do that. I have to figure out how to get him publicity. Ideas are welcome.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My book will soon be online as an ebook! I wanted my boss, who has a unique bathroom disability product, to advertise in it but he's not given me an answer. I want this book to happen ASAP so I'm going to think of another company who will benefit from the exposure. Maybe the company will give me a few $$$ for it. But who would be good?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I designed my screen advertisement for "The Tenacity of Hope" booklet. At first I was going to offer a load of programs for free. I then decided to make it really simple and just explain the booklet to readers. Once I get interested cutomers I can get testimonials and then eventually grow into a program that offers services in addition to coaching. I must focus my efforts on marketing Wyng Products and I hope that my boss will be willing to advertise his company in this booklet.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I'm finally going to hire someone to design a super simple website and find out if anyone out there will care. I will also offer my booklet "Tenacity of Hope" for free.
Why do this? Isn't it worth money? Yes, but this way I can capture email addresses and then create my newsletter "Chain of Challenges." Also I can get customers for my boss who creates this unique shower and toilet combination in one. That is something I really want to achieve since I want to stay employed and help him grow.