Thursday, December 23, 2010

Infobility has two goals: Informing and Empowering People On Disability

1)Sharing information by presenting educational programs to the community.
2)Empowering people through personal coaching and resource connections.

Coaching and Literature:

* Vocational Venues - This is a community employment model that can be adapted for consumers. Skills adressed include interviews, applications, and resumes.

* Paths to Progress - These are individual sessions, via telephone or in the home, to assist consumers in a number of areas. Issues include: coping with challenges, family relationships, and future goals. The first session is free.

* The Tenacity of Hope - This is a self-help booklet to assess needs and give a framework to improve the quality of life. The issues covered include physical, social, vocational, personal, educational, and community.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I spoke with someone who showed me how to create a free blog. It's time I do that, I will get nowhere without one. Also I met a person who works for the local community college in the Health Science. I offered to be a guest speaker in the class because sensitivity is a crucial part of the job, it's not just about the textbook work. I will create a set lecture arounf the "Tenacity of Hope" booklet. That is how I will finally get this moving and working by March.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I discovered a number of people who care about disability awareness and may even be interested in working on Infobility! I was seeking a volunteer group and found these people who are wraping Christmas Presents for The National Inclusion Project. I called the headquarters in North Carolina and asked them about staring a chapter in Harrisburg. The staff there said they weren't yet ready to do that. So I spoke to my contact in Harrisburg about the possibility of establishing Infobility. She said she'd read my things then talk with me. At the very beginning of the year I thought I was going to start it last year. It will be one year later but it will be worth the wait.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I must get the proof of the "Working on Wheels" program otherwise it may as well never happened. Even a letter from Casey the secretary to George Hartwick will mean more than what I have now- nothing. I will do a website and have the booklets to show for it. I will find a few companies who will be willing to pay for the printing costs. This winter will work but it won't just happen on its own.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I may get much more deeply involved with the agency "It's our Story" since they will probably be involved with the money aspect. I think Braun will give them money of our behalf since I explained to them that they are a non-profit with a big following. I can visit places in the south where people are who have great stories to tell. 2011 may be my year finally.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm looking for a health company to sponsor the coping booklet. I asked Keystone Mobility and I'm waiting for their responses. It would be a worthwhile marketing idea for them. I can visit a lot of physical therapy sites and people who use wheel chairs will be in the waiting rooms reading magazines anyway. They can pick up the booklet and read about Infobility and Keystone. It would result in increasing their number of customers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tomorrrow I'm going to a focus group of people with disabilities. They will be discussing the help, or lack thereof, they have received from local agencies. I imagine it is a complaint session but I will try to turn it around by introducing Infobility. Perhaps I'll meet others who may be interested in being part of this projct- I'll see.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I have been re-marketing the disability classes to church schools. The places seem to be receptive. The idea is to interest them in going to Arrooga's. I am going to get on a committee that welcomes people with disabilities into the church. It should be really interesting, I will meet alot of new people and make connections. That is always my goal. It's how things become successful. I was thinking how to get people at Arooga's- maybe I could take a (bus) load of people on those two days. This way I'm getting people out who don't usually get out and we'll benefit.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I just had the most wonderful email. Fern Kaufman is on board with Infobility. I can't even express how much that means to me. I just knew that she wasn't the average (insincere) person. I was just a volunteer for her campaign but I felt this weird connection in which I just had to share my dreams wih her and ask if she'd be willing to get involved with my cause. I must now do my homework and be organized with exactly what I want and how I'm going to make infobiliy into something me and my parents can be proud of before it's too late. I also made 2 other connections with great people- Zarifa with Magazine and Scott Cooper with "It's Our Story." Life really does begin at 40!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

December 13 and 20th are fundraisers for "Pedaling for a Purpose." 15% of the money earned those days will go to our project. I need to reach people who know people. I don't enough enough people so it would not be worthwhile unlesss I'm better connected, I need to meet with with large organizations. I'm befriending someone who knows alot of people but there's no guarantee that it will lead to people going to Arooga's on December 13 & 20.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I am now in contact with a guy who recorded hundreds of stories from people with disabilities. He is sharing his tax id/non profit status with me. I can't wait to help him and meet him. No longer do I feel guilty asking people questions. The most important question in the English language is "ask." You never know until then. I've also created a new fundraiser, too bad it's only good till January 1. I can create a calendar on any topic. I'm doing one on the death penalty & saving money for my friend Loretta. I will be doing one on disability, and perhaps one for Judaism.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I did alot of work for the election but all of my candidates lost. What a sad night! Now what will happen to health care and disability issues since republicans are in charge? I still believe that if more people with disabilities voted, democrats would win. Even though some volunteers offered to help drive people with disabilities to the polls, the majority of people did not. Not only are there 1500+ inaccessible polling sites in Pennsylvania, sometimes the problems are with attitudes of those who work at the sites. There are horror stories about people with disabilities left to wait and wait at the sites and not given the help they need.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Infobility has two goals:

1)Sharing information by connecting people with some unique resources.
2)Sharing information through personal coaching and educational programs.
Connecting to Resources:

* Getting Money - This is a discussion on receiving finances through a unique program. We will discuss the products / services offered and the qualifications.

* Getting Benefits - This is a discussion on applying for Social Security-SSDI, SSI. We will discuss the often lengthy and frustrating appeals process.

Coaching and Literature:

* Vocational Venues - This is a community employment model that can be adapted for consumers. Skills adressed include interviews, applications, and resumes.

* Paths to Progress - These are individual sessions, via telephone or in the home, to assist consumers in a number of areas. Issues include: coping with challenges, family relationships, and future goals. The first session is free.

* The Tenacity of Hope - This is a self-help booklet to assess needs and give a framework to improve the quality of life. The issues covered include physical, social, vocational, personal, educational, and community.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tomorrow's the day-"Working on Wheels." I have professionals experiencing disability.

I spoke with a lady who runs a magazine for teens with disabilities. I'm going to help her write and grow her publication. That will be my purpose for "Pedaling for a Purpose." I'll talk about it to independent living centers and they'll do a blurb on us. They're not a non-profit but that's okay. Soon I'll meet with Eric, the reporter from the newspaper who will help us by writing about the project and connecting us with a local non-profit so we can be legitamate. It will all work out.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Complacency-It's a serious problem in much of society. In politics most people vote for the incumbent, regardless of how little the person has done during the tenure. In education students don't work hard but pass anyway. Eventually they are sent into the world unprepared. In human services staff do not really take the time to listen and implement the client's ideas. Eventually they decide it's best to sit back and let things happen to them. They do a significant amount of complaining about things but when it comes to actual advocacy.

So what are the solutions to eliminate complacency? In politics people are electing outsiders in the hopes of new ideas. In education parents are seeking new types of classrooms such as cyber school. In human services advocacy is starting to be a crucial part of the services. On the other side educational programs, in which all people without challenges learn and experience disability, are crucial components to creating a more equitable society.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I read a book called "Who Cares" by David B. Schwartz. He talks of the healing powers of human connections and support for people with disabilities. Since I am a sociology major I was really interested in this somewhat hard to read text, it would make a great reading for a college sociology class. It illustrates optimistic stories of people who were once isolated now being healthier and happier because they have friends. It's such a simple concept. Society ruins things and makes it so involved and ultimately things get worse instead of better. I had an attendant who "Took care of me" in public school. That did so much damage to me for decades after. I had no idea how to relate to people cause I had no one my age in my life. If only someone like David could have seen this, recognized it, and facilitated a small friendship circle! I would love to meet him and talk with him further.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Increasing acceptance is a result of education, education, education. Programs in schools, programs in the community, programs in churches. Reach the young people because they are the most receptive, stereotypes are not already formed. Encourage them to ask questions and create opportunities to ask them. Create activities that include kids with disabilities such as arranging for them to help in the special needs classes in schools. Teachers should explain that just cause a person looks different on the outside (s)he is the same on the inside. Bring guests into the classrooms and talk about some famous people (athletes, entertainers) who have/had disabilities and excelled. A meaningful program for any age is simulations in which people pretend to have disabilities.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I just figured out facebook and am trying to connect with people with my disability. I never knew much about my disability except it was pretty rare. It turns out that it isn't actually, it's more common than MS, CP and MD! Hopefully I'll get replies for sponsors, interested in "The Tenacity of Hope." I'll just donate it rather than trying to get moeny for it. The pay pal code is too confusing anyway.

I should make this blog more interesting and not so diary - like. It's not the way other people's are. I have to come up with a toppic that has many parts to it and is optimistic but not self-absorbed. Maybe I'll answer the question I ask of others- how to increase awareness and decrease stigma. Maybe I'll get people to give me ideas. Then maybe they'll be interested in what I have to write.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I learned how to do the HTML code in order to put my booklet on someone elses website. It is a very logical process but I thought it would be harder and required a profesional. I can now start to look into other websites and get moving on this. It's about time, professionals make it sound impossible for others to do so they can get $$$ for it.

"Working on Wheels" will happen on October 25th! It will only be a few hours but it will be effective since there will be media attention for it. I expect that others will be interested in doing one for their worksites too. I have high hopes for it as the start of Infobility getting started.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I am getting excited to make this "Wheeling Across America" succcessful. I will be contacting the CIL Directors tomorrow and hopefully then find a few consumers that will be excited enough to work with me. Hopefully this will be my chance to make "Chain of Challenges" and share "The Tenacity of Hope" with disabled people around the US. I need to know the newspapers in people's home towns and continue communication with them. I wonder what they think would be a good message to convey.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Everything happens for a reason." I really believe that. Sometimes I create a reason. Anyway. I was upset about my manuscript not becoming an e-book. I just met another person who had the same problem with the same publisher. He wrote a book on urban youths and speaks to groups on helping them stay or get clean. I decided to share my idea for this type of issue with him and I offered him an opportunity to speak here in Harrisburg. I sent him "The Tenacity of Hope" and even asked if he knew anyone who wanted to cycle across America with my husband. I know that he knows people in the public speaking and marketing worlds so I'm hoping reciprocity will prevail. Montel Williams said "If you're doing something cause of your passion, not desire to make money, it will succeed." Hopefully this will be the case. Imagine, success as the result of being scammed!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I hope the contacts who work with veterans respnd to me soon. My whole goal is to make life easier for them by sharing some tips in my booklet "The Tenacity of Hope" was supposed to be an ebook. Unfortunately it won't come out that way, however, I will still share the contents because it's important to me. Am I stupid to just distribute this for free or will it benefit me in the end? I will soon find out. Hopefully the people I share it with will contribute to my husband's "Wheel Across America for Disability Awareness." I'll find out tomorrow, I will call the Independent Living Centers in the states that Terry will be peddaling through. There has to be a flip side to everything and this is it!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"The Tenacity of Hope" is now an e-book. I had some ideas about the marketing part. I started copying addresses of popular drug stores but I wasn't confident that they would agree to my book being there, certainly not without weeks of approval. I knew the CIL's would come into play in some way. I thought about Terry's pedaling and how I could draw attention to disability. I thought about putting it all together. So I am going to ask 2 questions to all of the SILK secretaries. A)What would be the most effective way to draw attention to "Disability Awareness?" B)Could I alert your CIL's about my self-help manuscript? I'm anxious to see what the reactions will be.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The ebook is done now I must market it. That seems like a huge task but with Facebook, Kristy of "Cool Wheelchair Stuff" and contacting all Independent Living Centers it will be a good start. Hopefully by offering complimentary coaching sessions with it people will be willing to give it a try. Counseling is worth a whole lot more than what I'm charging. I won't know until I try.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One day I decided to ask a guy in a wheelchair to meet about disability. I then asked if he knew of anyone else. He brought someone else the next time we met. We stopped for a few weeks but I contacted him about what I was up to and if he'd still like to be involved. Not only is he still interested but he gave me 5 names of new people who are interested too! I am really looking forward to meeting next week and I may even have company when I do my display at the farmer's market on Saturday! The first program, when I met the guy, seemed like a waste but actually wasn't at all.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I met with Senator Tartagione who has a disability. She is very interested in making "Working on Wheels" work and will suggest a number of staffers. I will also have the support of the Harrisburg Commissioner. Also I'm hard at work on Terry's raffle, hopefully we can start selling the raffle tickets and continue getting prizes. Soon I'll be ready to advertize my ebook that will definiely take presidence.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, the e-book is looking good. I redid the resource list page but I didn't actually use any of them for the book. Basically the book is my personal experiences and what I've observed in life from the perspective of a person with a disability. I could have gotten money from people to include their sites but I didn't ask. I hope I won't get in trouble for listing their sites in mine, usually that's something people want, I'm just helping them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am now working to promote "Terry on Wheels" going across America for disability.
This is something I can really believe in, it was my idea in the first place. In order to get money I will send a flyer and a letter to local service businesses and restaurants to contribute items to raffle. It will be much more successful to do it that way than get big companies to donate. That would take a long time because it would have to be approved by many people and we wouldn't get a real answer. I'm trying to get a room at a nice hotel and Hershey Park tickets. I'll definitely be getting a free business counseling session and a free massage.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Rex" from One Life To Live was at Wolfe Furniture. I met him and gave him an envelope with the flyers and a hard copy of "The Tenacity of Hope." I asked him to give it to his costar who's real life son is deaf. Hopefully she'll be willing to promote Infobility as I asked her in my note. I always said the only way it would work is if a well known person was on board with it. Also the woman who makes wheelchair seat covers lives in Harrisburg and she's willing to give me her customer base of 1500 in exchange for a free ad in the ebook and her business card on the cover. This may work well, NO this will work well.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My friend is going to wheel across America for disability. He is going with someone else who is doing this for another cause. I will be working on getting him publicity for this ride. I would like him to stop at independent living centers as he goes but he may be too busy to do that. I have to figure out how to get him publicity. Ideas are welcome.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My book will soon be online as an ebook! I wanted my boss, who has a unique bathroom disability product, to advertise in it but he's not given me an answer. I want this book to happen ASAP so I'm going to think of another company who will benefit from the exposure. Maybe the company will give me a few $$$ for it. But who would be good?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I designed my screen advertisement for "The Tenacity of Hope" booklet. At first I was going to offer a load of programs for free. I then decided to make it really simple and just explain the booklet to readers. Once I get interested cutomers I can get testimonials and then eventually grow into a program that offers services in addition to coaching. I must focus my efforts on marketing Wyng Products and I hope that my boss will be willing to advertise his company in this booklet.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I'm finally going to hire someone to design a super simple website and find out if anyone out there will care. I will also offer my booklet "Tenacity of Hope" for free.
Why do this? Isn't it worth money? Yes, but this way I can capture email addresses and then create my newsletter "Chain of Challenges." Also I can get customers for my boss who creates this unique shower and toilet combination in one. That is something I really want to achieve since I want to stay employed and help him grow.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Chain of Challenges."

People can now participate in 2 ways:
1) They can write articles.
2) They can suggest topics.
This way I wll know their interests.

I am meeting with local companies that have contact with consumers to give them a flyer and explain what this service is about. It's time to start and then grow, grow, grow!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Infobility has two goals:

1)Sharing information by connecting people with some unique resources.
2)Sharing information through personal coaching to improve quality of life.

Connecting to Resources:

* Getting Money - This is a discussion on receiving finances through a unique program. We will discuss the products / services offered and the qualifications.

* Getting Benefits - This is a discussion on applying for Social Security-SSDI, SSI. We will discuss the often lengthy and frustrating appeals process.

Coaching and Literature:

* Vocational Venues - This is a community employment model that can be adapted for consumers. Skills adressed include interviews, applications, and resumes.

* Paths to Progress - These are individual sessions, via telephone or in the home, to assist consumers in a number of areas. Issues include: coping with challenges, family relationships, and future goals. The first session is free.

* The Tenacity of Hope - This is a self-help booklet to assess needs and give a framework to improve the quality of life. The issues covered include physical, social, vocational, personal, educational, and community.